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Open TC


Mod Touring Car

This is the "Open" touring car class.

You must be qualified to race in this class, if you enter this class and don't have the ability to stay on pace with the other racers, you might be asked to not race this class until you can prove to the race director that you are ready to race in this class. This is up to the race director's discretion to move you to a slower class or refund our entry for that class you are ask to not run. We want to have safe racing, this will make you a better racer in the long run.

Chassis: Any 1/10 scale 4WD touring car.

ESC: Any ESC, any profile.

Motor: Any brushed or brushless. Must be on the ROAR approved list.

Battery: 7.6V Lipo - hard case only.

Body: any 190mm

Tires: Any 24mm or 26mm Touring car rubber tire, insert, and rim will be allowed.

Minimum Weight: 1350g



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